What Fan


Active Member
Hey people,Im looking into getting a tent and cooltube/fan.My lamps a 600w,Im going to go for the 120x120 tent,but was wondering what size of fan/carbon scrubber I should get?I mean like a 4" or 5" or whatever?


Well-Known Member
Hiya snoyl I would like to be able to Help you with this, but since switching to a 600w Hps I've been having a few issues with Heat & Air flow...and my GR is quite a bit bigger than your Tent. I have just ordered a 6" Cool-Tube(Fed up with Fighting with the Temps..so will be happy when I can just Exhaust the Heat from Bulb/Cool-Tube straight out of the GR.

What I will say is BIGGER is better(5" over 4") I wouldn't recommend the Vents TT Range(Cheap off FleaBay) though before I slag them off too much will wait and see if Cool-Tube and better placement of Fans/Ducting helps.

Plenty of Online Tools to help you Work out HOW MUCH AIR you need to shift, based on size of GR(Tent) then aim for a Fan with more than the CFM the Online Tool stated you will need from entering space(size) details...Fan won't be working Flat Out then(also every bit of Ducting/Bends and Carbon Filter ALL place additional loads on the Fan thereby lowering the CFM through put..

Hope this Helps???

EDIT: Take it you will be going with a Passive Intake...?

Last word, Don't forget to check out the Decibel Level of Fan...some are very noisy! hanging with Bungee helps with vibrational noise..

+ The Cheap Flexi Ducting is pants!! I will be replacing a lot of my Ducting with Solid Ducting where I can, better for Air-Flow...

Like I said would love to Help, if I can...but I'm no expert and find I am Reading up on Air-Flow/Temps everyday at the moment...



Found this OLD Thread a few days ago, By Subcool...worth a Read..
