What Gift Cards does Attitude Seed Bank accept?


Well-Known Member
They no longer take credit cards, so Im trying to use a gift card.
I emailed them, no reply so far.

What Gift Cards does Attitude Seed Bank accept?
They accept visa debit - I had a problem online but when I called the rang it through no problemo - don't accept Mastercunt though
Hey all,

Tried ordering from Attitude w/credit card. No deals.

Does anyone know if I call Attitude will they accept American Express?
So anyway... I did email Attitude. They wrote back quickly. The respond-er explained yes, the credit service has been on the fritz. I then noticed the worldwide conspiracy. This is no fault of Attitude.

Before the CC problems I've ordered from Attitude successfully more than 10x.
So anyway... I did email Attitude. They wrote back quickly. The respond-er explained yes, the credit service has been on the fritz. I then noticed the worldwide conspiracy. This is no fault of Attitude.

Before the CC problems I've ordered from Attitude successfully more than 10x.
Banks won't accept "weed" money of any kind because federal laws of every single country outlaw weed. Banks don't want to have to sort out the details of a federal case over illegal money, it sucks but that's the biz. Once the governments take away paper money shit will really get fucked.