What GPH pump will work on 2 resoviors?


Active Member
I would like to run two resoviours with one pump... One resovior to my clone machine and the other to the veg. Reservoir. I know I can use 2 pumps , just wanted to see my options... Thanks for ur help in advance ... :-)


Well-Known Member
I would like to run two resoviours with one pump... One resovior to my clone machine and the other to the veg. Reservoir. I know I can use 2 pumps , just wanted to see my options... Thanks for ur help in advance ... :-)
Operating pressures are too far apart for those 2 applications for a single pump. Without a proportioning valve or very good manifold system you are better off running two pumps. With a manifold minus proportioning valve system, when you shut off the pump to work on clones the hydro unit begins to receive all the air and vice versa. My 2 cents worth?e Kep it simple - each unit self-contained.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Sounds like you're running aero, then? Let me tell you this: Pumps can fail. And in aero, pump failure is a much bigger deal than ebb/flow other styles. If anything, you should at least get 2 pumps to have one as a backup.

Are your veg systems both aero? If so, you might get away with using a single pump. The size of your pump depends on how many sprayers you're running. Since you didn't supple that information, it's hard to give you an answer. Some people say you need at least 25gph/sprayer. It's hard to say, because flowrate is not the same as pressure. For a reference, I run a 400gph pump in my cloner, which has about 14 sprayers


Active Member
Thanks for the info.. you guys have answered what I wanted to know.. I will keep it simple it and run 2 pumps, . & I will follow the advice on GPH per sprayer...