what happends if you have short periods of time but they = 12hours or 18hours for veg


Well-Known Member
what if you set your light to turn on for 4 hours turn off for 4 hours x 3 = 12-12 right? will this make a plant flower?

what if you set your light to turn on for 3 hours turn off for 1 hour x 6 =
18-6 right ? will this make a plant veg?


Well-Known Member
what if you set your light to turn on for 4 hours turn off for 4 hours x 3 = 12-12 right? will this make a plant flower?
No! Cannabis flowers when it recieves "about" 12 hrs. of uninterupted darkness - that means no (or almost none) light for 12 consecutive hours! Cannabis doesn't average out it's day on a timeclock, it works by chemistry. During daylight hours the plant produces pigments such as Chlorophyll that make the plant grow and develope. The presence of sunlight (or grow lights) also "resets" the plants internal "daycounter", so it thinks another day-cycle has started. During the "uninterupted" dark period (night time) the plant produces some hormone (I can't recall the name right now - let's just call it "Sleepy Hormone" or SH for short!). The 4 hr. dark periods that you propose doesn't produce enough SH to "tip the scales" so the plant stays in veg mode. When the nights get to be about 12 hrs. long (without any compromising light), a lot of this SH is produced. The plant senses the increased production of SH and responds by switching to flower mode. I didn't explain this very scientifically, I explained it so it would be easy to understand, so please don't bite my head off! Anyway the main point is that the "Dark Period" has to be 12 hrs. of straight uninterupted darkness!

what if you set your light to turn on for 3 hours turn off for 1 hour x 6 =
18-6 right ? will this make a plant veg?
As far as I know this should work! Although it may cause a little stress - just my $02. worth. It is only the hours of darkness that need to be uninterupted. What puzzles me is why would you want to do this? What's the point?


Well-Known Member
just wondering what would happend maybe grow crazy weed just asking what it would do thanks for the info so thats a big NO NO


Active Member
The only thing alternating your light on and off like that is going to do is stress your plant. Doing so may increase the likelyhood of developing some hermaphroditic ganj.

Just be nice to your little one and it shall return the favor.