What Happened to My Beautiful Plant Leaf?


Active Member
I agree with Beansly if you look closely you can see all the spotting on the leaves, what are you feeding it and when?


RIU Bulldog
go try it .............
For the record a cfl will do that to the leaves, but usually the have to be touching the bulb for a few hours. I don't care how long you leave a cfl close to the leaf, unless it's really young. the plant can take it. The reason I though it was nute burn is because a few of leave do that the day after fertigation. I have them on an agressive feed schedule, so occasionally a leaf will shrivel and turn that bronzish-green like in the first pic. I use HID not CFLs and they never touch my plany an thet're not to close. I hot your not calling me dumbass wayno-buddy-o-pal... I might have to dress you down a little.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've had plently of CFL burn in my time growing under 600w of CFL.

You know... it could be a combination of both nute burn and CFL burn. but without some more pics it will be hard to determine.


RIU Bulldog
half inch under go try it .........then we will c where your toe is
How big a cfl are we talking here. I use the 68w (300 eqiv) cfls for clones and seedlings and yeah, those will burn a plant if it's too close. But like dude said it could be either. I know for a fact that nutes can cause the same damage.