What happened to my seedling?


Hey this is a auto i have that got crisp and yellow overnight i had it in a jiffy pellet and had it under a t5 at first green growth and it was doing amazing growing really fast compared to others I've germinated but then 1 morning it had alot of yellow and crisping but idk what happened because it was doing good under the light so i figured it has to be that it was in the jiffy still even though not one root was showing thru the pellet so I transplanted it into a solo cup then it will go to final pot but hopefully it will start to green again if anyone could please tell me their opinion on what they think could be wrong with my seedling. Sorry about blurry pics.


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While it was in the pellet, did you feed? What did you feed? How often did you water/feed?

Jiffy, I believe, has nutes in the pellets to start, so if you fed, then it could have been nutrient burn, but it actually looks more like nitrogen deficiency. Hard to really say what happened without all the details, though...

Whenever you need help, you'll get the most/best help by giving more details. :)
I did not feed it only had water every 24 hours with a wet dry cycle it was doing really good overnight I noticed yellowing and crisping only thing I could have thought it was from was either cuz it was in the pellet even tho no roots showed I had misted it but idk what else it could be possible nitrogen deficiency?
I never tested the pH I transplanted it yesterday and the yellowing and crisp started the day before yesterday so I saw the yellowing then transplanted dimmed light even tho I didn't think that was it cuz it was growing fine before that pic is day after transplant.
I don’t know but I would start two more seeds.

1 seed replicate exactly how you grew the current yellowed crispy plant and the other seed change all parameters.

How many inches is your t5?

How many inches Away from the seedling was the t5?

Humidity of the growing space?

temp of the growing space?

Ventilation if the Growing space?

get where I’m going with this?

I started a few seasons of tomatoes under 3ft t5s. Had the light 36 inches away. Not sure if this was optimal but never had an issue.
What’s your plan for lighting after seeding?