What happens if I lose all my leaves 7 weeks into flowering?


Well-Known Member
I've been having progressively worse yellowing problems with my northern lights plants and now it is too the point where I could lose 95% of my leave coverage in the next week or two. The bottom 60% or so is complete gone and has definately cut my yield down big time... Will the buds still keep growing if they ahve no leaves to draw in energy.

The strain is suppose to take atleast 10 weeks so I think it is way to early for this...



Active Member
Where did you get the seeds from?
ive heard from a couple people that the leaves turning yellow are no big deal during flowering that it goes along with the strain.
but then again maybe the plant just flower that way.


Well-Known Member
Those plants look to me like normal plants that are finishing up their last couple weeks of the bud cycle. Maybe they are going to finish earlier than you thought? Have you checked out your trichomes to see what their situation is so you can tell how close the buds are getting to finishing?

Also, is there any Nitrogen in your feeding schedule at this point? You don't want a lot of N during the budding phase but the plant does need a small amount.

Whatever you do, do not cut off any yellowing leaves, let the plant use them all the way up. They will turn brown and fall off on their own or with very gentle pulling from you when they are ready. If you have been cutting off leaves before they are ready to just fall off that may be why you are getting premature yellowing.


Well-Known Member
There finishing early. So is my NL. Im on week 6 and a little further along with the dead/yellowing leaves. This plant is deffinately finishing in 45-50 days.

How are your hairs looking? My new pistils are almost down to none, and the ones that were so vibrant and straight a week ago are brown and browning. Scope should be here this week, I could chop right now but ill wait it out a little.


Well-Known Member
bcseedking was the site it was purchased from. All hairs are still white on them as fair as I can tell. Maybe 1 of 50 are brown. The yellowing has been going on since the beginning of flowering. Im feeding florabloom and flora micro and molasses...Says 8 to ten weeks on th site.


Well-Known Member
Northern lights finishes pretty early. Yellowing leaves is normal near the end. Hopefully you are just using plain water to flush them at this point.

But yet those do not look finished. I'd flush anyways in anticipation of perhaps cutting soon.


Well-Known Member
they do not loss leaves like that unless there s something wrong. they are far along and im not sure what ur prob is. but are u over watering whats ur feed cart whats ur ph ect.


Well-Known Member
on my first grow i had a plant that done the same thing.

Yellowed prematurely around week 5 of flower. i continued to grow her but she didnt put much more weight on after that point.

The main reason for this was
a) not enough N during veg
b) not enough N during Flowering.
c) over use of PK during flowering
Yes plants still need N during flowering.

I got locked into a little debate about bloom nutes and grow nutes with RIDDLEME and he enlightened me about the best ratios for NPK during veg and during flowering.

Whether you choose to believe this is entirely up to you but there is plenty of research out there to prove that this is correct.

Veg NPK best ratio is 3-1-2
Flo NPK best ratio is 2-1-3

You will notice that there is less P in both of these. The reason for this is if you are growing outdoors then the earth you are growing in helps to leach out the P from the soil so therefore you have to add the P so for outdoors this ratio would not entirely work. But with indoor growing the P is not leached out of your medium therefore you dont need as much.

The problem you are suffering with is the over use of P and K during flowering.

I will try and get RIDDLEME to come in on this thread and see if he can help you out some more.

But to me i would personally give them a little N or grow nutes to help them carry on until harvest.

I will PM RIDDLEME now to see if he can help you out further.



Well-Known Member
I suspected it to be nitrogen deficiency but they have been getting fed nitrogen every feeding along with P and K. I could of used a little too much P and K but I doubt it as all of my northern lights are turning yellow, even the three I am growing 12/12 from seed are yellowing really fast as well but my white widows are not at all and both get fed the same ratios.


Well-Known Member
It could well be a strain trait but without the knowledge of the strain i cant really answer that question.

I have based my response on the look of your plants.



Well-Known Member
Your NL looks like shit bro.....to me looks like you were rootbound in flower.... heres a healthy NL about 7 weeks into flower ....1 - 2 weeks left




im having the same problems. don't think its because of being root bound tho. your plants are bigger than mine and im using the same size pot. i believe its due to PK abuse. either that or there just finishing up and putting everything they got into the flowers. however it just doesn't seem right. i've tried just about everything reasonable to remedy this problem. no results. the buds are doing great just the leaves are affected.


Well-Known Member
well its def the strain then. i just grew ppp 4way and superskunk. and i got a fungus gnats. they only went after the 4way. ur nl might be affectected by something u cant see. try puting duct tape over the top of the pots. in a day or 2 look for bugs stuck to them. also dif plants like dif phs. and if its off it wont take up it nutrient. whats good for one isnt always good for the other. there not much u can do at 7weeks. but figuring it out will help for ur next grow.


Well-Known Member
I personally think fish emulsion is the best n def fix. Especially later on in flowering. Most mixes are 5-1-1