What Happens If i Prune During Flowering?


i have a lot of lower fan leaves i wanna get rid of from my plants but i dont know if it will stunn the plants or make them hermies? any advise to "prune or not to prune that is the question"?? opinions most welcome


Well-Known Member
Depends on what they look like. I have heard this question before and i learned that a photo is needed.

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
how far into flowering are you? lower branches can be removed and it actually helps plants put their energy into the upper flowers. do a little at a time, not all at once. the urban grower recommends week 1 and week 3 for the removal of these branches fyi.


Well-Known Member
i like to prune em up right after they stretch ....or actually i do cut em back like pretty much week 1 and then after the stretch around week 3 ....taht is how i do it .....i have heard stuff about not pruning in bloom ......frankly i think you dont want to prune much at all past the time right after they stretch and start puttin on popcorn