What happens to those memories you've forgotten? They're still in there. Scientifically, you're just not using those synaptic pathways anymore, so they are "buried", to put it obtusely. You can trigger these memories spontaneously when you unintentionally smell, taste, hear something that correlates to it. Alternately, hypnosis very much can recover these memories. It's amazing what the brain is capable of, even on the limited level that we use it.
As for the universe being a harmonious arrangement that mimics itself... This is very much the case. If you think about it, we are a collection of independent organisms. The basic building blocks- sub atomic particles coalesce to become atoms, atoms are combined into molecules. Molecules are arranged to make cells. Cells become multi-cellular organisms, which become tissues. These tissues form organs, and these organs comprise what we think of as "ourselves". In essence, we are a collection of countless organisms with an individual plan to survive, that happens to have found a balance to make what we think is... "us". I never really thought of this until I took a trip with a very large dose of cubensis mushrooms, and saw cells dividing in my hand, after which I felt that the universe is one vast organism comprised of everything within it. Organic, non-organic, matter, anti-matter. Everything is recycled, and we are the happy coincidence.
Regarding the nature of the universe... I suggest you read "The Doors of Perception" by Aldous Huxley (who also wrote Brave New World and The Island). And yes, the band "The Doors" were named after this book. It's about his experience with mescaline and other psychadelics, and how he came to his personal realization that entheogens are simply chemical tools that allow us to perceive reality beyond the scope of our ordinary consciousness and our ordinary senses. That these substances unlock "doors" in our perception that we can peer through. I firmly believe this is the case. It's much more complex than that of course, but our perception of reality is based upon what we perceive, and the conceptions we attach to those perceptions. All our existence is rooted firmly in experience.
One day, I hope that we (our minds) and science will have the ability to open all of these doors, and let the full brunt of reality as it fully is come rushing in. Capable of being fully explored, measured, and explained.