What has Trump done to this country?

a letter dated 9/7, postmarked 9/10, I received 9/23..it contained an important appointment date. You can no longer trust the Post Office.

that means locate drop box as soon as you get your ballot..Trumpy's choice DeJoy is still there..Biden hasn't gotten rid of him yet..we have a local coming up this November 2.
When Trump nominated him it was something like 4 Republican appointments to 2 Democrats in the Post Office board. So they pushed him through. Then Biden came in and nominated 2 more Democrats, so it is now 4-4 and not enough to get a majority to vote him off the island.

It's not something Biden can just have done unfortunately. The Republicans and Trump fucked us good on DeJoy.
Luckily, I'm in a blue state, and democrats control all branches of state govt, so the Republicans haven't had an opportunity to stifle our voting rights, but the minute they do, I assure you that's exactly what they'll do.

ummmmm, don't let the moniker 'Democrat' fool you there are many in this party who are thieves..take Doctor Brenda of Broward County Florida:

she's as dirty as the day is long and left bags of votes sitting in Opa-Locka processing center during our last Gubernatorial. Gillum won this rightfully and those votes should have been counted since the margin was razor thin..they only give you so much time for a hand count and too many to count- but yeah Santorum won.

i fvcking hate her..she's our own worst nightmare and hard to believe a Dem.
That's funny, I just got an email this morning from my Insurance Co. saying they hadn't received my payment and I mailed it out on the 29th.

go online now and make payment until he's removed from the Board of Directors..you have to be proactive until then. there is true evil in this world and people are working against all that is good to ignite chaos.

this is true harbinger for all November 2nd contests to come.
This should be on page one of chapter one of the book that should/will be written about the demise/failure/extinction of the phantasy/hope/supposed reality of the "American Dream"

Melting Pot?
What a fucking joke
It's alway been "Us vs Them" one way or the other, but now, really for the 1st time since the Civil War, it's American against American.
It's really not COVID-19/Border crossers/Immigrants/Communists/Socialists/N word's/Chinese/Russians that are destroying this Society.
Oh well :(
It's time for me to burn one & sip.
That is, unfortunately or not, my reaction to life in America,
Peace out/stay safe :)