What I like to do when I'm high

Stoned right now... just downloaded Jay and Silent Bob Get Old on iTunes for FREEEE.... this podcast is funny as hell... makes me miss the movies...

what do you guys watch/listen to when you're high???

Favorite Stoner movies?


Active Member
I always end up watching some crappy animated movie with lots of colour, or cartoons. It must be the funniest thing seeing this grown man sitting in front of the T.V watching cartoons while eating all form of candy that I can find...

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
Hey fresh, welcome to RIU, I usually listen to music when I'm stoned, watch movies,or hang around with a buddy that does deliveries.


when i'm high i normally download a shitton of music or get distracted by a bright screen for hours on end

Smoke Friend

Active Member
I love listening to some music and fade out, when i get a little less stoned i enjoy watching TV and eating all the food i can find.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm stoned most of the evening so well, just what i normally do. With films though it's just anything that catches my fancy at a specific moment, normally stupid comedies, but the odd film like hotel Rwanda the other night, that was great.


Well-Known Member
well, when Im stoned and dependant on time of day, quality of the high, stage of highness etc, I enjoy a spot of parchute jumping. Outta of a plane, or base jumping,gets the blood going abit ,,

and after that chiling with a good joint and book.
masturbating or having sex depending on my wife's mood Du jour.

I play some mean guitar when i am baked and listening to music.

Molly Hachet.."Dreams Ill never see.."
Paul McCartney..."No more lonely nights" <-----David Gilmour plays a mean wicked guitar in this song.

If its nice outside I roll one for me and the dog and go for a walk, he always lets me have his 'J'.

Wii golf is also fun.


Well-Known Member
...welcome to R.I.U.....as far as movies go...lately is been W. Ferrell movies like step brothers,old school,...land of the lost ( kinda lame...but i like that humor sometimes)..etc...and the spoofs are great like scary movie,not another teen movie, the spatans......for music...i do most of my music in the grow room...recently it's been Sabbath,Iron Maiden,Metallica,Judas Priest...the older rock stuff...
as far as activities go...the grow room has been keeping me busy, and getting ready for the holidays (...everythings at my house these days...so I have like 50 people in and out for a month starting next week..fun!..lol) welcome again...talk at ya later

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
...welcome to R.I.U.....as far as movies go...lately is been W. Ferrell movies like step brothers,old school,...land of the lost ( kinda lame...but i like that humor sometimes)..etc...and the spoofs are great like scary movie,not another teen movie, the spatans......for music...i do most of my music in the grow room...recently it's been Sabbath,Iron Maiden,Metallica,Judas Priest...the older rock stuff...
as far as activities go...the grow room has been keeping me busy, and getting ready for the holidays (...everythings at my house these days...so I have like 50 people in and out for a month starting next week..fun!..lol) welcome again...talk at ya later
Man, i watched will farrel in The Other Guys a bit abck while toking heavuly and good god i found that one entertaining film :D The scene where they two cops jump, that put me into a hell of a coughing fit :D


Well-Known Member
Man, i watched will farrel in The Other Guys a bit abck while toking heavuly and good god i found that one entertaining film :D The scene where they two cops jump, that put me into a hell of a coughing fit :D
...hey, thanks for the review...I'll be looking for that one next...elf is a kids movie, but he's great in that too