what if i used creek water

No not always dude, the creek water would carry some trace minerals but it could also be easily contaminated. If you are set on using it, test the PH. Make sure your around 6.5 to 7 max. Maybe even boil the water a day before you use it.
I use creek water
Hellz to the Yes! I am thinking about starting the 12/12 from seed in a dixie cup PISS ONLY thread.
every creek is different! DO NOT use this guy as an example. if he is your neighbor i guess that would be fine, but think about how many hundreds of miles could be between you.

Ya, don't use the water from Shit Creek for sure. But I am positive 99% of creeks are for irrigating crops....not just some evil shit stream to a cesspool
Many people might cringe at the idea of using urine to fertilize plants, but urine has been used as a cheap, effective fertilizer around the world for thousands of years. Unlike human feces, urine from healthy people is sterile and pathogen-free. A 2007 study from the Department of Environmental Sciences in Finland showed that tomato plants fertilized with human urine produced nearly four times as much fruit.

Read more: The Effects of Urine on Tomato Plants | Garden Guides http://www.gardenguides.com/96898-effects-urine-tomato-plants.html#ixzz2WbOrJVaY
I love guys who wont grow with anything but bottled water. If only they knew what the food they eat was being grown in, maybe they would realize how futile their efforts are when it comes to a couple weed plants.