what is being high like for you?


Well-Known Member
I've been smoking for awhile, but it seems like I get more trashed off of it thean my friends.. they will sit there and carry on a normal conversation with a waiter, when I can if I have too.. But they always know I'm high.. I just get a REALLY bad case of the giggles and for some reason feel like an observer.. Like I feel like I am just sitting back and studying people.. when really I am just having these really stupid thoughts about how dumb everything is.. I feel like I can think deeper, but at the same time, I know everything I am thinking is just because I am stoned and I don't believe it.. sometimes they are good idea though.. I almost feel like a genius lol Its almost like I am tripping.. I see little swishes of color (mostly purple and yellow) and just think in the most random ways.. My favorite part is either talking to my friends or laying back, closing my eyes, and having epiphanies of nonsense until I fall asleep :)

Also, my voice gets really fucked up when I am coming down... And I feel like I am falling if I relax enough. Anyways, whats it like for you? I really wanna know if I'm a dumbass and just can't control it, or if it happens to others too.. Lol people say they are like that, but when I smoke with them, they aren't as retarded.. Lol, or its because they just started, but I have been smoking every day pretty much for the last 7 years..


Well-Known Member
You've been smoking everyday for 7 years but you still get giggly and can't talk to someone like a normal person? or Did I read that wrong (sorry high haha)

the hashshasher

Active Member
I also feel like i get a lot higher than my friends but i think it is true because their always saying that i get mad high so i guess it is. and sometimes i feel like im just an observer for everything thats goin on around me and thats actually my most favorite times when im high. and a lot of my friends can talk to people when their high at like stores or watever but i usually just try to avoid eye contact(but just because ive never used eye drops and still get red eyes when i smoke). but sumtimes i feel like every1s talkin about me or makin jokes about me and they dont think i know but i think i do, but later when im no longer high i realize they really werent talkin about me. and i think a lot of people get ideas that they think are really good but realize later that their not. my highs are actually a lot loke you described but not really what you were sayin about comin down, i dont really notice when im comin down until i think "am i still high?".and ive been smokin for like 3 years


Well-Known Member
You've been smoking everyday for 7 years but you still get giggly and can't talk to someone like a normal person? or Did I read that wrong (sorry high haha)
I can depending on who they are, say its a waiter or something, sure. I mean most of the time they will just know because for soem reason I feel like I have more room to think, and when I am talking, I think about what I am gonna say, and then I just say something to make up my mind, and then I realize that what I said was retarded, then I try to redeem myself, THEN the person who I am talking to knows.. Most of the time, I can just calm down and talk (most of the time, if I can tell that they know, and I see how on the verge of laughing they are of my nonsense I just tell them.. Even if its a waiter.. Of course I don't say I'm high, but I'm 'drunk' ;))

but yeah, it still happens, I still get high just like I used too, it has went down a little.. But really, I just think I am a light weight.. Its weird though, alcohol doesn't get me to do as stupid shit even.. I can be completely wasted and be able to just sit there and talk to someone(slurring is my only problem there), but when I am stoned I feel almost insane.. I get paranoid, think that every little giggle I hear behind me is because of my stupid high ass, I just feel insane, but like fun insanity.. I dunno, I LOVE being high, it just really fucks me up bad for some reason.. I mean I have never peed on the carpet or anything retarded while trashed.. The only thing I ever do that could make an ass of myself is puke or laugh uncontrollably when I get too stoned.. but still no one else is laughing that much lol, its liek rolling kinda, just not as fun


Well-Known Member
I get what you guys are saying, when I'm not too baked I feel 'like I'm supposed to feel' haha just everything is generally more sensitive and easier, and more interesting, and I feel like I am thinking on a deeper level.. Its the best.. Most of the time I don't smoke much.. Like a bowl in the morning to set me off straight (depending on the weed, I can get REALLY baked off of a bowl pretty quick..) and then a few hits every now and then throughout the day, or if I have no plans, COMPLETELY BAKED ALL DAY :D, and then just one or two before I go to bed..

coming down sucks for me though... I just get sluggish and tired, and just wanna eat and sleep.. When I smoke again, I wanna sleep more, but I don't care if I sleep or not because I am so entertained.. pretty much if I'm not high for the whole day it kinda blows ass

It might be my ADD meds.. I got prescribed focalin a few months ago by my doctor because well really.. I just wanted vyvanse, but this stuff makes a noticeable difference! Alcohol works waaaayyyy faster.. And the meds just make me really happy.. Every hit just feels like BLAST OFF with it.. More visual effects too.. I haven't not taken it yet though.. I kinda need too, I should try it for a day or two, I dunno if I will have some withdrawls or not though, its only been a few months

the hashshasher

Active Member
hey i also can always handle myself pretty good when im drunk (but there has been a couple times when i got completely out of hand) but thinkin about it now with how i think about weed and achohol ive never thought i could really do anything bad on weed so i always just smoke as much as there is and never quit on blunts or anything because i dont think i could ever get to high but when it comes to alcohol im always thinkin i dont wanna get to drunk again or fuck over my friend because im to drunk so maybe when i am drunk i still think like that.


Well-Known Member
I feel more sober when I am drunk.. my mind doesn't go as bonkers.. I mean stage fright goes away and I couls get up and dance and sing in front of people, like I'm feelin it.. But I just don't want to because I see how it will make people think I am retarded.. I just control myself better drunk.. I never back out on smoking, because I mean I can be completely baked in public.. Who can't? But I never drink enough to really tell either, I see what your sayin!
Its weird, I just don't like drinking as much.. I feel too fucked up and gross, and I feel retarded.. Sick maybe.. nauseous.. All of that.. And if I try to smoke while drunk, I either don't feel the high, or I puke.. lmao


Well-Known Member
I feel more sober when I am drunk.. my mind doesn't go as bonkers.. I mean stage fright goes away and I couls get up and dance and sing in front of people, like I'm feelin it.. But I just don't want to because I see how it will make people think I am retarded.. I just control myself better drunk.. I never back out on smoking, because I mean I can be completely baked in public.. Who can't? But I never drink enough to really tell either, I see what your sayin!
Its weird, I just don't like drinking as much.. I feel too fucked up and gross, and I feel retarded.. Sick maybe.. nauseous.. All of that.. And if I try to smoke while drunk, I either don't feel the high, or I puke.. lmao