what is best generic nutrients for a first time grower? (hydroponic)


wondering what type i should go with?
i know you guys got favorites :-o
im gonna grow me some white widow strain probably feminized


New Member
interesting. there's a group out of Dallas (go Texas!) that just started a whole company named that. i contacted them and was told to look for them on retail shelves around the first if the year. he told me it was too premature to announce any details. does anybody know anything about them?

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
To the best of my knowledge, General Hydroponics MaxiGrow & MaxiBloom are the most simplex "Lucas formula" and are the cheapest GH products.

MaxiGrow & MaxiBloom are powders that you mix with water. Use a glass jar with hot water, add powder and shake for 5 minutes until there is no sediment on the bottom. I use a milk frother which really works well to mix the powder

I use 7 grams of GH per 4 litres (plus 5ml of Cal-mag)... & pH to 5.8