What is better goo d bud from dealer or trying to grow your own autos?


Well-Known Member
I Dont believe your wasting your time.

Personaly i dont grow auto's, But Not Only Will U Be saving Tons of money U Can Pick Your Fav Strain. im not sure what its like in your country, but here in aus We dont get a choice on what strains our dealers sell. Sometimes its great , sometimes its not. I managed To Build My Own Box For $16 bucks (the Wood) Then $30 Bucks (For the cfl Battern holders) Then $50 (On Light bulbs) And $30 bucks on an inline fan. so that was $126 (give or take) And I Can grow comfortably 6 plants. even if i got a tiny amount like 30g per plant thats what 180g. Street price here is (if sold at q prices at $90 for 7g) $2314. And then after the harvest u can reveg which will get u 100-150pc more harvest per plant. So, Since im not you i wont tell you what to do, But I Think growing is Alot cheaper and very rewarding indeed
i can grow an ounce of high grade bud for under $75, that includes hardware, electricity, soil...etc. No dealer can compete with a home grower than it tuned into his/her plants.
I say grow your own just for the experience. I started with the plan of growing one. Now i am legal to grow 12 if need be :-)