What is making my leaves do this?


Well-Known Member
So i have 2 plants about 40 days in flower right now and a few leaves are kinda messed up and i think it might not be getting enough nutrients or something idk im not giving anything except water...It's not bad but i want to correct it..So here is some pictures please help if you have any info..

And here's inside my tent right now
I recently bought this stuff called BoomBlastic for trichomes production and maybe it might give it more nutrients...


Well-Known Member
Looks very similar to some wind damage I have had before. I see your in soil, mind if I ask what kind of soil, and what the PH is of the water going into and draining out of the soil?


Well-Known Member
It is maricle grow soil..i know i know its the sucky soil but on my next batch a plan to use fox farm. And i don't really check the ph or any of that.


Well-Known Member
Anyone know what i can do to correct this issue?? I do have a couple fans in the room but nothing major..
Looks to be from water on leafs they get burnt. It's lower only around areas you water by?
Have done any foliar spraying?

The leaves look very good.