What is NBOme


Active Member
So what is it...Im assuming it is a form of or similar to LSD.

Im buying a few points of ice off SR tomorrow and with each point I buy I receive 2 free trips. They are 'NBOme 25i Blotters 1000ug'

Anyone care to explain what these freebies are?

EDIT - Just done a bit of research but I still want to know your experiences...


So what is it...Im assuming it is a form of or similar to LSD.

Im buying a few points of ice off SR tomorrow and with each point I buy I receive 2 free trips. They are 'NBOme 25i Blotters 1000ug'

Anyone care to explain what these freebies are?

EDIT - Just done a bit of research but I still want to know your experiences...
25i is basically designer LSD, erowid has more info, i personally wouldn't do it because of the fact there's death's linked to it.


Well-Known Member
It's not designer LSD. They're technically derivatives of the 2C drugs but have very different properties. The NBOMe part of it locks the rest of the molecule in the active configuration to bind to the receptor or very close to it accounting for the amazing jump in potency. It was really unexpected, almost without exception adding an alkyl substituent on the nitrogen of phenethylamines greatly reduces activity if it doesn't completely abolish it. Except this giant group that causes a thousandfold jump in potency.
Be careful, when abused they cause nasty tolerance to other psychedelics as well.


Well-Known Member
No joke with what duck was saying..phenalethlamines(sic) are fun,but there is a LD..acid has one also but its much more to o.d...not many people have axcess to 7 grams of lsd..LD for nbomes start at 7000ug..that's 7 tabs of what you have..I got 60 hits of 25c-nbome and 25b not to terribly long ago..I love it! But like duck said it affects other drugs with its tolerance..my fluff lost its 'zing' for a week(yes I eat lsd weekly)...be careful..and put it under your top lip and hold your swallow for 30mins...