What is rust mold?!?!?!?!?


Active Member
Dose anyone in this great place know anything about rustmold
I think i have it but not sure
Any pics or advice would be great
Anything pleace
My leaves have rust colored spots all over them on random leaves al throught the plant thought it was nute burn but I flushed and all that and still happenind. Then I thought it might be Meg deff. but its not that either.
I had a week of extrem humidity of 70+% the plant started showing signs
of the rust spots.It started on only one plant now all of them have it some have lost almost all major fan leaves and other plant are just starting to show signs of infection.The buds do not look efected at all but from what i read about rustmold it only attacks foilage(wiki)


New Member
Dose anyone in this great place know anything about rustmold
I think i have it but not sure
Any pics or advice would be great
Anything pleace
My leaves have rust colored spots all over them on random leaves al throught the plant thought it was nute burn but I flushed and all that and still happenind. Then I thought it might be Meg deff. but its not that either.
I had a week of extrem humidity of 70+% the plant started showing signs
of the rust spots.It started on only one plant now all of them have it some have lost almost all major fan leaves and other plant are just starting to show signs of infection.The buds do not look efected at all but from what i read about rustmold it only attacks foilage(wiki)
do they look like this ????????



Active Member
Well the spot are simulare except that they'll get larger and take over the whole leaf and there not just inbetween the leaf vanes.There allover the leaf and thy grow big untell the whole leaf is cover and it dries to a crisp


New Member
Well the spot are simulare except that they'll get larger and take over the whole leaf and there not just inbetween the leaf vanes.There allover the leaf and thy grow big untell the whole leaf is cover and it dries to a crisp

try and post a pic.
and check the underside for mites they are very small 0.5mm-1.0mm they are very hard to see.



New Member
Can they fly.I got this little whit bugs that fly they'er small like this big>.
no spider mites cant fly but get blown around by the air.
mites have 8 legs and no wings.
they can be brought from outside and attatched to your clothes.


Active Member
Ok it not mites I know that
I posted some pics on a defferent therd called"nutrient burn or lock out" but i fomt know how to post them on this thred


Active Member
If they are white and they fly more than likely they are white flys. Pretty common but sometimes a pain in the ass to get rid of. Ive worked in pest control for about 6 years trust me I know.


New Member
If they are white and they fly more than likely they are white flys. Pretty common but sometimes a pain in the ass to get rid of. Ive worked in pest control for about 6 years trust me I know.

what cannabis plant pest control :lol:
or controlling yourself.
trust me you say :lol:
i wouldent trust you with a box of matches :lol::lol:


Active Member
Not cannabis pest control. My family actually owns a pest control company dealing with pest and rodents around homes and business' no we dont get called out to cannabis grow ops but we are required to take several hard tests dealing with identifying pest. All you do is google this shit LUDA nothing is off hand and being that you didnt realize that he had white flys when he said he has white bugs that fly, prove to me that you dont know shit about growing.