what is the best brand of soil


Active Member
I was wondering if someone could tell me what soil works the best and also what nutrients to use with that soil.


Well-Known Member
U HAve to go to the hydro shop and ask for the growers professional mix it should cost around $8 a bag/2 cubic feet. or Foxfarm light warrior.$18/2 cub ft or Sunshine mix 1 $40 a bail.


Well-Known Member
yeah if u have they money to buy some soil go do it...do it right the first time and u wont learn the hard way. find the closest hydro store and go there


Well-Known Member
Just stay away from bargin price soil's. Get a good sterile, low ph soil. I bought cheapass
shit that had more wildlife in it than most ZOO'S.......Up to my armpit's in spidermites...
The foxfarm ocean seen's to be real popular here....Scott's is good too.
Good luck, may all your twistys burn true :)


Active Member
Never underestimate Miracle Gro soil. Relatively cheap, good quality, and easy to find. Whether you mix with sand or perlite is a personal choice, I like perlite.


Well-Known Member
I use a standard garden center pro-mix,sterile, 80% spagmum, 20% perlite. DNF organic nutes. Works for me.


Well-Known Member
No,they might have the pro-mix, the DNF is a hydro store thing. It's a specialist nute for indoor growing. DNF= Dutch Natural Formula, they have a 2 part (A+B) and an organic formula in both "grow" and "bloom". I use their organics.

say no 2 soap

Active Member
I used miracle grow with perlite & it works fine for me. I think alotta people overwater n den blame the soil they used.


Well-Known Member
Does home depot carry all this
You can get some Scott's potting soil and mix that with some MG Sphagnum peat moss and some MG perlite. I used this when starting off and I was fine. You can get by with this, but trust me, there are much better soils out there.

Something like 60 percent Scott's, 30 percent MG sphagnum peat moss, and 10 percent MG perlite.