What is the best lighting????

ok so right now i am running 2 t8 bulbs and im trying to slowly up grade my garden i only have one plant right now (master kush). i am shopping around for a light and was wondering what the difference between growing with led and growing with hps 150 watts witch would be better?


Well-Known Member
Alot of people will say fuck that LED but if you want to experiment and test results it looks cool. But the price of LEDs is so high you can get a big MH/HPS and still save money compared to the LED. I dont believe the results are worth the extra cash at the moment.


Well-Known Member
This thread may turn into a minefield by the end of the weekend, everyone will have their favorites......

HID is cheaper to purchase, but expensive to run and needs replacing sooner. The spectrum of light is not on the money but pure intensity makes up for that. The heat produced is problematic needing a lot of other equipment, BUT it has a very reputable history that is documented time after time.

LED is the newcomer and earlier lights promised so much that HID fans revolted. The spectrum is spot on, it is cool to run and uses less electricity.

Induction lamps are not new, but they seem to be becoming more popular and have a long lifespan, have a good spectrum and are cool to run.

Ask yourself first what you want to upgrade to based on the amount of plants you want to grow and how many in what style.

Hope that helps...


Well-Known Member
agreed that LEDs are too expensive for their own good at this time. I just like to fantasize about their lack of heat and small size. Both which are very necessary for multiple stealth micro grows


Well-Known Member
the best is the light that fits your situation :) If you're growing with flo's then I'd start off looking at T5's. They are as good as flo's get, and are very capable of growing incredible buds. If you have a larger grow, think about HID, but also keep in mind you will need more ventilation (you will produce more heat), and you will be using roughly 40% more electricity for equivalent wattages.

People grow good pot using everything from incandescents to plasma, but you have to either pick the right light for your situation, or pick a light and build the right situation for it :)