elaborate a bit more on that. i have my shake in ziplocks in a vacuum sealed bag in the freezer
The monoterpenes are alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, ethers, etc. A Ziploc bag would most probably dissolve in a concentrated bath of many of them.
Ziploc bags are also permeable to monterpenes, which is why a sealed baggie still stinks up a whole room or car.
Freezing drops the terpenes vapor pressure and slows their migration, but doesn't stop it, unless you use an impermeable membrane like glass or metal. Even frozen water will sublimate and pass through most wrappings, so that food kept too long in the freezer, burns.
Ice crystals also tend to grow in a vacuum, which breaks up cell walls, making the chlorophyll more available, so short frozen storage periods are better than long ones.
Vacuum sealing and freezing is still the best way I know to preserve the material, but isn't the great panacea, only a good tool.