Thank you for your replies! The transplant event occured on 12/24. From 12/24 to 12/31 there were numerous issues with all that you mentioned. Since 12/31 those issues have been corrected with new equipment, replaced meters, and a revised ventilation calculation that resulted in shutting down one of two exhaust fans. I take readings three times a day, from AM @ 68 degrees and 50% humidity, 6.1PH and an EC of 1.6 to an afternoon reading of 78 to 80 degrees, 60 to 65% humidity same PH and EC and a reservoir temp of 72 degrees. All nutrients have been applied according to MFG recommendations. There is no doubt that the crop has suffered stress the first two weeks. Now I have 30 on one system that are ok and 30 that are not so ok on the other system. I have changed the nutrient package on the not so good group from Heavy 16 a discount hydroponics nutrient to Technaflora with tarantula and revive. I do a complete flush and change over every 7 days. The pictures I attached are from the good crop, it's the lower nodes / leaf's that have this issue. How long does it take a plant to recover from heat stress if everything has been stabalized?