not looking for trouble but
ther is a lot of ways to do the same thing and because mother nature does it one way does not mean we as thinking animals cant come up with something that works better for us
i have a lot of minature fruit trees in my vegitable garden my apple tree has to be cross pollenated for me to get apples in nature bees butterflys bugs and wind does it but for me to gurante i get alpples when i have flowers on it i go around with a paint brush from flower to flower and bingo loads of apples
there is prolly a lot of things that farmers have learned that is not what nature does --does nature make femanized seeds no but it is what we have learned in time to make things better does nature use hydro, c20, fertilizers no but some things we have improved on nature
do what works best for you dont knock what works for the next man
so many rumors and wise tales around this hobby i like to experiment some time it cost me but i still learn something if nothing else what not to do next time i feel soorry for those that believe everything they hear
for the Attitude June promo i tried two seperate orders and got two full promos i asked around everyone was like a parrot reapeting same thing even the site said one set per but i got two sets -- your coice to follow or not
i take advice with respect then i do what i think is best here at RIU 3 say its black 3 say its white 3 say its gray then there is the blind man that swears its orange so that tells me half dont know what they are talking about but still answering should be reading
good luck, good grows, to all and may grow gods smile upon your beans