What is the purpose of poor people?


New Member
It seems like they are just here to smell bad and clog the roadway with their run down jalopeys. Why my M5 has to share the road with these degenerate indigents in their 1986 Corollas is beyond me.


New Member
Were you always giant douche, or just a regular sized one? Oh and bragging about your M-5, classic. I'm amazed you ever got close enough to one (Poor person) to smell one. If your Bubble ever bursts and you find yourself on the street, good luck. They'll eat you alive, (Poor people).


New Member
Justanotherhead ends up homeless one christmas week, sounds like it would make for a heart warming holiday movie, probably co-starring Robin Williams


Well-Known Member
justanothercockhead by the sounds of things lol.
while your driving around in your m5 complaining about poor people driving crummy cars on the roads there are people out there with real problems trying to figure out how they are going to feed there children tonight. wake up to yourself buddy


Well-Known Member
Off topic but why do people buy stupidly overpriced vehicles? Four wheels and an engine. I could see if you were racing it or something.

Sounds like you regret your purchase. Still got a couple years worth of payments?

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
The purpose of poor people ... well to some they are for pointing a finger at, as if to say "Bad person" . That way the people pointing their finger can believe themselves to be good. A boogeyman if you will for those not as poor. They are people -fellow human beings, men women and children just trying to live. That is their purpose and right.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Off topic but why do people buy stupidly overpriced vehicles? Four wheels and an engine. I could see if you were racing it or something.

Sounds like you regret your purchase. Still got a couple years worth of payments?
four wheels? LUXURY!

i have to get by on a mere two wheels, and im glad to have those!

conversely, whats with these douchey assholes who pretend to be rich people? borrowing your mom's 92 c-class doesnt mean youre "rollin in the benzo", it means your driving mommy's car. and whats with the shiney stickers on the brims of baseball caps? doent anybody take those things off before they wear em? and why the hell is everybody buyin clothes 6 sizes too big (except fat bitches who buy that shit 6 sizes too small), and what the fuck is with pants hanging around your ass? i have no desire to see your tightey whities, especially if you got skid marks. shit man sometimes i think the whole country needs to get raped with a broomstick.


Well-Known Member
It seems like they are just here to smell bad and clog the roadway with their run down jalopeys. Why my M5 has to share the road with these degenerate indigents in their 1986 Corollas is beyond me.
my 1989 toyota celica gts alltrac with a 5sgte hybrid engine(not because its electric) would kill your m5.


Active Member
I think the whole class thing is a joke, I should mention those who think of class as a status in life, usually have no class. As for you asshole ( JustAnotherHead ) who the hell do you think built that high horse your standing on, the working class................I cant wait for this whole system to crumble, then yuppies like you will be cutting in line to suck the working class mans dick, so that he will save your worthless ass. I mean where do you get off......if it wasn't for people like us you would have nothing!!!!!!

george carlin quote1.jpgFuckYuppies.png