What Is The Weirdest Movie You've Watched High?

little otik without a doubt is the weirdest film ever.!!! my and the gf watched it one night at like 3 in the morning, it is so fucked up, this one cant get pregnant. Her feller digs up a tree and the roots look like a baby so he give it to his wife as a present, she treats it like a baby and it comes to life

The movie Sin City is pretty freaky to me, watched it at my buddies house one night after it had been on for a while i was so lost.
Ate a couple grams of mushrooms and watched The Exorcist back in the 70s.. The walk home was a trip..


Honestly I watched Cheech and Chong this 420 and I had no idea what was going on after 3 vape trenches and 2 bowls... haha, did I mention there was kief?