What is this and is it useful as ballast for HP lamps?

This is what I have found cleaning up the place for my new box today. Does any one know what it is ( capacitor? ) and if it could be used as ballast for HP lamp? I know it's probably a stupid question, but.. money saved with salvaged junk is priceless.. ;-)


Thank you!
no , invest in a digital ballast.
Thank you, I intend to grow with CFLs and T8s, and maybe add just one 70w HPS bulb with integrated igniter later on in flowering stage (small growing cab just 4 ft tall x 3.2 ft x 2.6 ft), maybe even small UVB just for test and wider light spectrum (sun has all that and more).. ;-)
This is just something that I've found, and I was wondering if it has any use for some kind of DIY lightning setup someday later on, but electricity and stuff is my weak side.. :P