Well-Known Member
Blueberry muffin, still in Veg. Outdoor grow with FF soil, heat has been over 100, but our humidity has been low af (like 20%). So I would think that would rule out fungus? Help a noob out please, thank you.
bugs are eating your shit dude. get a spray going and remember to spray the bottom of the leaves
The bugs are crafty. Use a magnifying glass and get prepared to be feeling uneasySo far the underneath of the plants’ looks clean. Healthy even. I read up on the bottle, looks like I’ll be spraying in the a.m for two weeks. All good info on this thread, hope she recovers ok.
The bugs are crafty. Use a magnifying glass and get prepared to be feeling uneasy
I had some of the same stuff show up. I used Dawn dishwashing soap at 1 teaspoon per leter of water. I spray every couple of days. You want to hit them heavy and your plants may look a little overwatered for a few minutes but kills most of what's eating your plants. It also washes of easy so your plants won't taste like soap.
If i'm right you'll have a new crop of bugs every day for three or 4 days for a couple of weeks butless each time. I sprayed every day for about a week, then every couple days after that. I alternate the soapy water with BT. Got to feed the fuzzy worms, too.
If you do that, I assume it doesn’t alter the flavor of the buds? Also, what would you think about adding superthrive to help it along? It’s also getting FF Grow Big nutes every other day
Looks good. I'll add a little neem oil to mine. What I'm doing is'nt looking as good as yours. This is why I like to chase down problems. Getting an answer to your problem answerd mine too.Well here we are just short of a week later. The Neem oil and dawn/water mixture seemed to work well. Having a bit of nutrient burn (I’m assuming the Neem oil, superthrive, and grow big. Oops. Still, looking better.
Mine look like mold, too, but it's DE on the leafs. Just a little water or dew and there's white patches on the leafs. It's just dust and wants to wash off.I knew that shit wasn’t mold, our humidity is a joke. 5% right now
Good stuff man thanks
Looks good. I'll add a little neem oil to mine. What I'm doing is'nt looking as good as yours. This is why I like to chase down problems. Getting an answer to your problem answerd mine too.
I see you have plants in pots. How are they doing in this heat? The ones I have in pots need watering more the you would think. Usually water 3 times a day in this heat. I like Roots Organic soil for a base but it's got way too good of drainage for outside in the heat. The water just runs thru. With all the Super Soil notes that must have washed out into the soil I think I'll put a plant in the ground there next year.