What is this?(Overfert, CO2 Poison?!?!) Day 27 flowering


Active Member
2(1000w) with Cool Hoods
CO2 on timer
1x 435 CFM(Coolin 2x 6" hoods)
1x 400 and 195 CFM exhaust/intake on timers opposite to CO2

Temps are usually anywhere between 80-95F(Highest was 101F)
Humidity 45-50%
Nutrients: AN G/M/B, Carbo load/Big Bud/B52/Silicon Potash(Growtek), I do plan on dropping Big Bud and replacing it with Over drive in a couple weeks.
CO2 levels are at 1.3CFH, on a timer that comes on for 30 minutes. Room size is 224. Which is roughly 1300 PPM every 10/minutes, but because of major leakage I have it come on for 30 minutes to sustain the 2-3 hour mark of 1300-1500 PPM(rough estimate, not exactly sure).

Anyways, today I noticed something weird on my plant, I don't know if this is nute burn or what. This is my second grow, and every time I had nute burn I only noticed it on the tip of the leaves.

Here are some pictures for you guys to make judgement; maybe also let me know how my plant is looking for my second grow. :D 3.jpg4.jpg1.jpg2.jpg


could be your temps accompanied by a nute problem could be burn or it may need potasium maybe (dont do any feeding until some others chime in though) how much do you feed it? whats your ph? , & your buds look fine though


Well-Known Member
2(1000w) with Cool Hoods CO2 on timer 1x 435 CFM(Coolin 2x 6" hoods) 1x 400 and 195 CFM exhaust/intake on timers opposite to CO2 Temps are usually anywhere between 80-95F(Highest was 101F) Humidity 45-50% Nutrients: AN G/M/B, Carbo load/Big Bud/B52/Silicon Potash(Growtek), I do plan on dropping Big Bud and replacing it with Over drive in a couple weeks. CO2 levels are at 1.3CFH, on a timer that comes on for 30 minutes. Room size is 224. Which is roughly 1300 PPM every 10/minutes, but because of major leakage I have it come on for 30 minutes to sustain the 2-3 hour mark of 1300-1500 PPM(rough estimate, not exactly sure). Anyways, today I noticed something weird on my plant, I don't know if this is nute burn or what. This is my second grow, and every time I had nute burn I only noticed it on the tip of the leaves. Here are some pictures for you guys to make judgement; maybe also let me know how my plant is looking for my second grow. :D View attachment 2526536View attachment 2526537View attachment 2526539View attachment 2526540
Despite the use of CO2 and Silicon cannabis still suffers from heat stress especially when punctuated by heavy nutrient levels. Stay out of the 90's. What are your ppms?


Active Member
could be your temps accompanied by a nute problem could be burn or it may need potasium maybe (dont do any feeding until some others chime in though) how much do you feed it? whats your ph? , & your buds look fine though
I'm not sure of the EC levels, but I give them full-strength everything. I never noticed any severe burns around the tips, just borderline pretty much. I always thought 90-95F was safe for CO2, my PPM levels are anywhere between 1300-1800 at it's highest. I try to sustain it around 1300-1500 through calculations though.

I'm gunna start flushing today, and feed a couple days from now with FULL strength G/M/B and this time I'll ease off some of the additives at half strength, like B52 and Carbo Load/Silicate. Think that should be more comfortable for them? I'm assuming the EC levels with all this,(At half strength) would be around 1400-1600??? Anyone else want to help with this??

Also, guys, take note that I have more plants in there too that aren't showing any signs of stress like this plant.


I never let my temps get higher than 77 but that's just me, but iv also never had any issues other than a bit to much water, but high temps and lots of nutes don't work to well together, and this particular plant may just have a weaker root system, remember all plants are different and take conditions slightly different, but I agree with your plan of action, chime back in if your still having issues

Also ls if your feeding full strength then its more likely burn, unless your having a lock out condition

Good luck!!
looks like burn, but hard to say. root bound/rot can present the same way. how closely are you following recommended schedule? what's your pot size? media? etc. more info. it takes a lot to CO2 poison girls especially with regular ventilation (which many will argue completely wastes your CO2). your temps are really high, but i've never seen high temps do this. high temps usually present as leaf roll/color and bleaching on tops with elongated calyxes.