what is this plague?


New Member
so I'm here from my home forum seeking the gurus of plant experience.
To be honest what im dealing with is pretty much a guessing game and nobody i know has come to a conclusive answer.
so far the suggest reasons are
ph lockout
rust fungus
russet mites
and the obvious plant deficiency or toxicity.

so my setup. a small medical garden
1000w comparable led light
co2 rain with an avg 1200 ppm
temps average between 75-80 consistent
p.h. is always measured to 6.0
nutrient values are different depending on the stage of life the plant is in
I use the full line of A/N nutes drain to waste in coco.
RH in this room is kept at 45-50

so this problem started on a private reserve that was at the start of the flush cycle around week 7
it then moved to a plant strain at week 4 that is very sensitive to p.h. fluctuations and now its affecting my babies that just hit day 7 flower. all these plants have shared the same room. which leads me to believe that its not a nutrient problem but rather a pest or fungus or disease

symptoms are rust brown spots and brown leaf edges.
it starts with small rust and necrotic spots and it has moved up to the upper new leaves
when looking at the dark necrotic spots its looks similar to a small milky shiny pointed spike that is similar to a russet mite larva. Though i have seen any adult mites moving about with a 60x microscope. the plants overall have been very healthy until they were put into the room. the leaves have started to canoe upwards a put and there is a small sign of Tmv but i don't believe it is because there haven't been any follow-up symptoms that point in that direction. What every this is, it moves very fast in under 8 hours the newest plants have gone from healthy to small rust spots to the leaf edges on the top of the plant showing symptoms literally overnight
The pictures that are attached show the in order of the oldest plant to the newest ones that are infected.
currently, I did my best to bleach wash the room. I've spread for russet mites and a fungi/mite killing soap which I started in the last 24 hours and will keep doing so until symptoms improve or kill the plant.

regardless I'm not above killing them off if need be but first I would like help trying to identify this issue before I do, so I can target and sterilize the room properly


Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
Have you considered the water source? Maybe try using another source of water if you can.

If you plan on taking them down you might want to take down just 1 at first to check the roots. If there is no fungus, and no bugs on the leaves, then it's gotta be something else.

Are you measuring nute values with a ppm pen?


New Member
ive used my water over the course of several grows. and i always measure and ph before every feed from my reservoir. even if its the same water i made a couple days before.
tap water in my area is 70ppm without pulling the whole plant from the pot 'fabric pots mind you' the roots looked healthy but ill investigate further into the root zone if i dont end up pulling them down in a week or so.


New Member
i don't disagree with that being a possibility but i don't believe it is the case for this situation because the plants I had in a separate veg which were perfectly healthy until i put them in the flower room which has the problem
I had the same type of thing going on during veg. Nobody I asked could figure it out and I did what I could to address it like you, but my general conclusion was either hemp russet or tobacco mosaic virus. I had got what i believed were thrips and possibly mites and been treating with azamax, spinosaid, and green cleaner. After the treatments and associated stress the signs showed up and aggressively got worse. The first treatment one strain showed distress while the others were fine. I thought It was the treatment, But i now believe that during my attempt to lift all leaves for total coverage it just infected all my plants and a day or so after they looked as bad or worse then the initial few that showed symptoms. I'm still not clear so I hope someone can be more helpful and look forward to a possible answer. Keep the plants away from the ones that are ok and good luck


Well-Known Member
There is a couple of things i noticed ....
Canoeing - heat ( your first set of photos )
But as far as the edge browning / tips and mottled spots is Potassium.
Like the one below ...

Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
heres another update in the last 48 hours taken this morning
Looks like a PH problem, but you said the PH is at 6.0 in coco. You mentioned the strain is sensitive to PH fluctuations and that is what it looks to be suffering from. Also looks like potassium def, hard to say exactly what is causing this though.


Well-Known Member
I did flush with nute rinse just waiting for it to need water again i have bunch of nutez ill have to put a list up and u guys can tell me what to use to feed them thanks for info