What is this shit? No nobody fucks with the Jesus!


Well-Known Member
So whenever my PM inbox on RIU is full, I get a friendly message in my personal email, from at Marijuana Growing! Message titled your Inbox is full at Marijuana Growing!

WTF is the purpose of that? NSA Assist? Could it be worse than Roll It Up, oh yes friends! Let's just use from: Marijana Growing, titled marijuana growing, instead! Fuck all Jesus Christ feminized ladybird! Full-Retard


Well-Known Member
wanna hear a weird theory?

This whole OMG NSA IS SPYING ON ME!!!! is a big smoke screen. right now the whole world sees the NSA as a tool for spying on our own people.... what would happen if we let the NSA loose on an enemy combatant. we proved in Iraq and Afghanistan that electronic intel is only trumped by eyes in the area. having the NSA able to realtime track the movements and discussions of EVERYONE involved is an unmatched tool. cyber warfare is cyber warfare but the NSA isnt cyber warfare. they have tools and tactics that are unique to them. when the time comes that we finally get to let them loose on someone we will know it. its going to be like the 3 day war in Egypt except on such a much bigger scale.