What is this?

20111127_125436.jpg20111127_125509.jpgI have these little bumps on one plant in my garden and this thing is really starting to bush. New growth seems to spin out everywhere. Only one in the garden too grow like this and have these bumps on the lower stem. Maybe its root production that didn't quite make it?

Here she is.

Plant seems to be healthy and happy. I scraped some off to look at it. I do believe it to be plant matter and not eggs. My setup consist of 2 DWC setups with 6 sites in each using GH Flora grow and just switched 1212 today.



Well-Known Member
i have noticed similar looking bumps on my plants but they were farther down at the very bottom of the stem close to the media. in my case i believe it was roots trying to form. and imo thats what u got. i just dnt understand why theyre so far up the stem. is that part of the stem getting little light?


Active Member
strange i think ive seen that before it may be stress my advice quit growing hydro the ph fluctuations will stress her out im guessing its like the human version of warts


Well-Known Member
strange i think ive seen that before it may be stress my advice quit growing hydro the ph fluctuations will stress her out im guessing its like the human version of warts
its ok to let ph fluctuate from 5.6 to 6.3. that way u will pick up all the different nutes during the swing.
I haven't had much fluctuation in pH. Always keep an eye on it and very careful with my mixing and res changes Heat is the only issue I had. At the beggining of my grow. (1 month) anyways I was lucky to stay below 85*F. Temps are consistent to 72-78 lights on or off.
If you use an aero cloner youll notice bumbps like that form first than the roots come out from them. Thats what i notice anyway.
oh as far as pH- I have fluctuated a lot with pH both soil and hydro, never had problems unless it was extreme. The heat issue-in soil ive had the temp as high as 110''!! im not joking the heat made the soil go crazy (i ws using great white mycorhizzae) and the plants jumped up! I guess i wouldnt recommend that high at all but duing veg it doesnt hurt them. Now during flowering that heat will greatly impede the girls ability to make good resin. In mh opinion


Well-Known Member
its no big deal as long as you arent letting the humidity get too high or overwatering and that is usually what causes it... it is called stem primordia... ;)

if you are having any wilting of leaves or browning then it usually is a root problem... but if none of any other issues then it is no big deal ;)


Well-Known Member
oh as far as pH- I have fluctuated a lot with pH both soil and hydro, never had problems unless it was extreme. The heat issue-in soil ive had the temp as high as 110''!! im not joking the heat made the soil go crazy (i ws using great white mycorhizzae) and the plants jumped up! I guess i wouldnt recommend that high at all but duing veg it doesnt hurt them. Now during flowering that heat will greatly impede the girls ability to make good resin. In mh opinion
u like that great white? i use it too but this is my 1st grow so i dnt know the difference. also i use h&g roots excelerator. now that shit is the shit! ive noticed a HUGE difference in plants i didnt use it on.