what is wrong with me...


Well-Known Member
for some reason, lately ive been having alot of negative responses to things i take.

ive always not been able to trip on shrooms until i took some crappy lookin PE's and had my first experience. heres that trip report..https://www.rollitup.org/hallucinatory-substances/306603-first-time-shroomin-3g-pe.html

a few weeks ago i ate these(3.6 dry) plus a .4 that i grew and nothing happend.

the other day me a friend and i both ate 8gs of halfway dry shrooms, he tripped great and i barley felt anything.

i took these both within an hour on bicycle day and i was deff on something but it really sucked i. i felt and looked like shit the whole day...

these are from a sheet... again i felt nothing...

today, a friend and i split 2 tabs. they came from the same sheet but the other end. i cut them in half. nothing happened to me while the whole time i was watching my friend laugh his ass off for hours.

i dont know whats goin on with me. i do take bars every now and then, maybe 2mg once every 2 weeks. i dont think that has anything to do with it tho.

im typing this at 12:02, i took the hit at 9:06, an hour after my buddy who left to "drive home" about an hour ago. this kid doesnt even know where he is, he cant read street signs and hes looking for wherever he parked his car.

im still normal... wtf.


Well-Known Member
are you on any medications? shepj should chime in and say the classification of drug that hinders ones ability to trip


Well-Known Member
benzos could do it, how often do you bar?

but lets wait for the psychedelic mastermind shepj
i think it sometimes has to do with if you dont think you will trip then you wont... just sit back, relax and try and enjoy the ride...


Well-Known Member
well im plenty experienced with acid. i know u gotta sit back and relax thats all ive been doing. after i dropped that last hit i didnt think about it till my buddy said something.

i know all about set and setting and everything you need to trip good. im in the best mood before i do everything. i just dont get it.


Well-Known Member
well im plenty experienced with acid. i know u gotta sit back and relax thats all ive been doing. after i dropped that last hit i didnt think about it till my buddy said something.

i know all about set and setting and everything you need to trip good. im in the best mood before i do everything. i just dont get it.
Again, tolerance my friend!

There are things like alcohol, beer, marijuana that'll always give you some sort of effect. But, psychedelics encompass more of the mind, they dig deeper and ensue many regulations and bind to certain parts of the brain, which if they are already depleted cannot be restored to it's full integrity. Unless, you give it some time and some vitamin nourishment to the brain... then you might restore some of those magnificent trips you once had.

It happens, just let time take its course.... don't push the psychedelic experience!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
If you do not take any medication.. there may be a few explanations.

1) Maybe you have a naturally high tolerance to tryptamines

2) (not for the shrooms), maybe the LSD is bunk.

3) I will PM you for this


Well-Known Member
Lol, its hard even telling you are tripping on shrooms after getting used to DMT :), up the dosage...


Active Member
dude this happened to me a while back your body got use to shit (tolerance) you gotta cleanse go a week or 2 without anything so all traces will leave your system. and i know it sounds corney but drink green tea it helps clean your system. its either that or take really high doses lol which i don't recommend


Well-Known Member
Green tea will not potentiate or cleanse the quality of his trips...

Ah, yes I do remember you do rocket off on dmt quite a bit... by doing this, the petty dmt fount in mushies will only be a fraction compared to DMT! Up the dosage... but I'll say take a 3 month vacation on serotoninergic drugs!

Maybe an easy supplement, such as this will ease up the dull tripping's:

5-htp twice daily (100mg x 2)

Alpha Lipoic Acid (1200mg daily)


I'll come back with others that'll be of some benefit!