What is Wrong with My Baby Plant? She became Yellow. Please Help!



this is my first marijuana plant i have ever grown. She´s 14 days old. I sun her as much as i can, she on average gets at least 5 hours of direct sun light. I haven´t used any fertilizers yet. I planted germinated seed in a universal soil which i bought in the store and it says it has nutritions for 3-4 weeks. I watered her yesterday and it was the first time since i planted the seed (i watered the soil good then waited for extra water to get out through holes). It was pm , about 18 when i watered it. When i checked her at night about 21.00 those 2 yellow leaves were hanging like plant is going to die. She has recovered now and is enjoying the sun but she is still yellow. Soil was a bit dry, like 1 inch but not too dry. Then i watered her and at night as i mentioned the leaves were hanging down :/

What can i do to help my little girl? I suspect ph? What do u think? If its true, how can i normalize ph? I will sure ask uncle google and search this forums, but please..do suggest.

Does she looks healthy to you? Im a first timer, please help!

Im sorry for bad english. Peace!

PS.: oh, and i forgot to mention that water from our system is not to good, since it contains a lot of chloride! Water rested about a week in a plastic bottle, so im sure chloride has nothing to do with it...or am i wrong?

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Active Member
my plant is doing the same thing, except the leaves on the bottom are turning yellow and dieing. i think its not getting enough nutrients. but what kind of soil do you have? you said it has nutes for 3-4 weeks, is it miracle gro? be careful of how much you water it if it is because the nutes get released when you water.

pics are of my plant and a chart that might help you figure out whats wrong. for now i would just keep doing what your doing and update in a few days.


Well, 5 hours avarage. Weather was bad first week, but its sunny this week and it looks it will stay this way...so now, it gets7-10 hours of direct sunlight. I know watering with chloride is not good, but chloride gets out of water if you let it rest! So i doubt chloride is the problem?

I will be doing what i have been doing and update...but i am worried. Its a lowryder 2 auto plant.


Well-Known Member
go to walmart and grab a small aquarium air pump and some tubing. make sure that water is aerated while its sitting out. maybe try to let the soil dry out a bit more before watering(dont let it get DRY). i think your leaves are drooping because of these things. what kind of soil is it in?

this may help http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688


go to walmart and grab a small aquarium air pump and some tubing. make sure that water is aerated while its sitting out. maybe try to let the soil dry out a bit more before watering(dont let it get DRY). i think your leaves are drooping because of these things. what kind of soil is it in?

this may help http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688
Its a universal soil. Soil, compost, peat and stuff like that. No perlite or something like that, just ordinary universal soil i bought in the store.

Thanks for the link...i will check it out!


Well-Known Member
Its a universal soil. Soil, compost, peat and stuff like that. No perlite or something like that, just ordinary universal soil i bought in the store.

Thanks for the link...i will check it out!
well if it has peat in it, usually that makes the soil a bit acidic, depending on how much peat is in it. get some dolomite lime and mix it in with the soil, or do a top dressing and water it. look up how much to add/use. the acidity may be blocking certain nutrients from being absorbed, causing that yellowing problem. the dolomite raises the ph, and also adds some calcium and magnesium. what is the name of the soil? try googling it and sending us a link

also maybe add some perlite while your at it


That makes sence i guess. I cant find the soil, but there was a note that the soil has 5.5-6.5 ph i belive. Is that ok? Whats the ideal and tolerated ph for growing? Ill try to get some testers and dolomite.