What is wrong with my plant?

I think a nutrient might be being "locked out" due to what I think is acidic soil. How can i fix this? The reason i think that the soil is acidic is that I flushed the plant 2 times with 3gallons of 7.4 ph water and the run off was lower at 6.8


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Try to get a soil Ph tester. Even the cheap capsule-type can tell you the soil Ph for 5$. Your plant does indeed look to be in an acidic substrate. Lime is most often used to remedy low Ph in soil.


Active Member
Definitely a ph or nutrient problem. Looks like nitrogen to me. I'm still sorta a noob but yeah that's just my opinion hope some more experienced person helps. PeAcE

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Nitrogen deficiency can look just like low Ph because soil that is too acidic will lock out N. Each problem has somewhat different traits but the best way to determine which one is the cause is just to test the Ph. Since he already has reason to believe the Ph is off, that's where he should start.