What is wrong with my plants? Pics included


Critical Kush in week 7

Grown in 4x8 tent with 1000w HPS

Temps are as low as 64 with lights off and as high as 78 with lights on.

Good ventilation with CO2

Humidity ranges from 35% to 60%

Grown in coco/perlite 50/50 mix 5 gallon plastic pots.

Advanced Nutes Connoisseur a and b
Advanced B-52
Advanced Big Bud week 3 through 4
Advanced Overdrive week 5, 6, and 7
General Hydroponics CaliMagic 3ml per gallon of RO water

Nutes solution in a 8:5 ratio (example 40ml of A and 40ml of B along with 25ml B-52, 25ml overdrive with 3ml of CaliMagic per gallon)

Week 1: 750ppm
Week 2: 850ppm
Week 3: 950ppm
Week 4: 1100ppm
Week 5: 950ppm
Week 6: 850ppm
Week 7: 750ppm
Week 8 Flush

PH in at 5.8 and drain to waste, no sitting in a nute solution. 25% or more runoff always. usually 1 gallon per 5 gallon pots.

Doing this every 2 days.

First pic is the first signs and what 2/3 of all leaves look like. The second picture is the progression of the problem. Very rusty, curled up leaf tips, burn tips and edges.

Looks to me like a Potassium deficiency, maybe Magnesium? The leafs were pretty dark green before I started seeing a lot of the rusting and burning.

Connoisseur bloom part b is higher in potassium than sensi bloom b by 2. Is this possibly the problem?

Any help is so much appreciated. I love growing Critical Kush and want to get it right!



Well-Known Member
i'm thinking some sort of nute burn or calcium def but i would wait for more to chime in

i base that off 3 seconds on google looking at people with similar problems


Well-Known Member
Don't feed every time you water, every other day give it plain pH'd water. Looks like salt build up caused pH fluctuation and nutrient burn.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
These guys are on the right track^^^

The dead giveaway is AN nutrition at every feeding......You over feed them and they burned from almost everything you gave it...

You are basically running a hydro grow.....the pH should be between 5.8 and 6.2. it should be checked everyday at lights on and adjusted to 5.8 as it should slowly rise till the next day......
I suspect you have a salt build up in the Coco.....This is common with coco if you don't flush it regularly.....Most seem to do that every 2 weeks (I don't like coco and haven't done it in years).
At week 7 it is a moot point to flush now if it is close to finish.....Otherwise I would flush it clear with a few gallons of 1/8 - 1/4 strength nutes.

Try feeding every other watering next time. it is far easier to add more then to take away what has already hurt it....

Finnish this run out and look to the next to do better.

Good Luck

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
I thought calimagic was quarter teaspoon ( 1.2ml) per gallon?

just curious

plus people who use drip clean (I didnt see your regiment) say to always feed..I hav= the last 11 feeds

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
I thought calimagic was quarter teaspoon ( 1.2ml) per gallon?

just curious

plus people who use drip clean (I didnt see your regiment) say to always feed..I hav= the last 11 feeds

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
I thought calimagic was quarter teaspoon ( 1.2ml) per gallon?

just curious

plus people who use drip clean (I didnt see your regiment) say to always feed..I hav= the last 11 feeds

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
I thought calimagic was quarter teaspoon ( 1.2ml) per gallon?

just curious

plus people who use drip clean (I didnt see your regiment) say to always feed..I hav= the last 11 feeds


Thanks for the advice, all.

Would lowering my overall ppm and feeding every watering with this lower ppm regiment work instead of adding water only in between feedings?

I'm not sure about the calimagic. I thought for sure it was 3 to 5 ML per gallon. I'll check when I get home...


Calimagic called for a teaspoon per gallon of RO water. I've always heared that was too much. 2 or 3ml while young and no more than 4ml. (If calling for 5ml/gal. for normal suggested dosage) anyone heard anything different?