What is wrong with my plants> pics <


Active Member
g13 x silver haze from a mother
600w digi ballast
hortilux super hps
fox farm ocean forest
foxfarm grow big nutes
3.5 gallon buckets
temps between 74-79
humidity 45-55%
put into flower on 5-30-10
closet grow with a non window standalone ac vented out of the roof
2 circular fans

looks like nute burn to me or transplant stress? but i only added grow big one time during veg becuase fox farm ocean forest already has a lot of nutes in it,

any help would be great:joint::hump::?



Active Member
Dude. Dont feed em for a bit. Give them some innoculants and compost. If not that then some straight water. Ph to 6.8 then add innoculants and compost. Do this for 2 weeks. If you see them def before them hit em with a light,light application of fish emulsion. That my friend will get you out of hurt, atleast for a bit


Active Member
It seems to be starting from the top. Its only on 4 plants, the others look fine. it didnt happen until i transplanted them into ocean forest soil. they went from rooting in a soil less mix straight to ocean forest. think it may of been to strong?


Well-Known Member
I think it's temp and spray some seaweed like maxi crop on them with the lights out. good luck


Active Member
I dont think it would be the temp. I am positive that my temps have remained between 70-79 degrees. and my humidity has always been between 40-65%. I think i may have a PH problem as i was watering with tap water without checking it or letting it sit out over night. Im gonna stop by the hydro store and grab a PH meter today. I have a feeling thats what it is because my water in my spot has always been a bit foggy when it comes out. I know i wouldnt drink it so i guess my plants shouldnt drink it either haha. If anyone else has any opinions let me know. I have many grows under my belt this is the 1st time ive had a problem like this


Active Member
Ok so I just tested my PH and it says its over 8.5. Do you guys think that is the solution? too high of a PH locking out nutes?


Well-Known Member
Alllow your water to sit open to the air at least 24 hours and the PH should drop. Also, i think vinegar should drop it google vinegar for ph change.

other then that, Straight cooling and nute issue.

WATER with WATER for a few days and see what happens


Active Member
What do you mean by straight cooling? also I havent applied any nutes except for one watering a few weeks back in VEG. its been plain tap water since,


Well-Known Member
You knew that was the problem all along. Yes Fix the water. And it really looked like heat stress/light burn in the beginning stage. But live and learn. good luck fix the water!


Active Member
another nugget pulled from riddleme's journal. read this pdf about ph.


your ph should be about 6.4-6.7 otherwise some micro-nutrients can't be absorbed. 8.5 is way to alkaline. use ph down from a hydro store. I I use general hydroponics ph down. It is phosphoric acid and is very concentrated. I've read that vinegar only brings down the ph for a day then dissipates. It is volatile.

also, it is a good idea to let your tap water sit for 24 hours if it is cloudy. allows for chlorine and other contaminants to dissipate. If your water is cloudy then your EC/PPM is probably very high. I would not use the recommended dosage on your fertilizer b/c of this. Top it out at half to three-quarters strength once they are older and more developed. It might be a good idea to get a water filter or use rain water.
