What is wrong with these ???


Active Member

  • To get an accurate diagnosis of your plant we need as much information as possible.

    2) Growing indoor or outdoors
    3) Watering schedule
    4) Growing Medium
    5) What stage of growth

    The more information you put in here the better diagnosis you will get.

    looks like ph fluctuation to me, do you ph every time you water​



Well-Known Member
2014-02-19 23.03.26.jpg2014-02-19 23.03.26.jpgthanks fr quick reply, growing indoor (closet), water everytime soil gets dry(tap water gassed), nearly everyday had them in smaller pots but well watered before big pot, medium?; soil i guess biobizz all mix and lightmix combo 300w dual cfl, emergency blanket for reflection, roughly 2 weeks there. i do not ph and have not gave any nutes apart from what soil provides, ill throw up a few more pics, the small one sprouted a good few days after the other.


Well-Known Member
To me it looks like spots on some of his leaves, could be he got water on the leaves when he was watering and the light was too close, or could just be that he' sgot spots on his leafes I don't think ity's a ph issue, in fact I don't think it's an isssue at all. As I've said many times on this site it's the bud that mattters and I've had grows with shit on the fan leafes that produced bud that kicked ass. Sorry if I appear to be ranting and rambling but I'm very stoned, from smoking bud that had all of it's fan leafes fall off.So much for leafes. In fact fuck all leaves.


Well-Known Member
No kidding now it could be a magnesium deficiency which can be corrected with a bit of epsom salt and water and more light would be a big help, not with the leaves but growing in general.


Well-Known Member
im looking towards getting a bigger light when vegging has finished tight on money atm, the bigger plant (lol) was doing great untill a few days ago and this just came on, the smaller one has been defected from the start as i had to pull seed off when it sprouted and think i damaged leaves; anyways seeing i havent used any nutrients and theyve just went into fresh soil should it correct itself or is affirmitave action needed?

Morbid Angel

Well-Known Member
PH and epsom salt that shit for sure as the others have mentioned.

