What is Your Favorite TV Show Or TV Actor?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering who's everyone's are. I have tons of favorite shows, but I watch John Stewart and Stephen Colbert every day. Other shows don't have new stuff every day. @Midnight is pretty good, but I end up falling asleep a lot.


Well-Known Member
i like colbert also. and daniel tosh can be pretty funny. and cute. cute and funny. well more cute than funny. i watch gold rush and how the universe works with morgan freeman. i really like downton abbey. fav actor is johnny depp. i gotta lotta favs though.


Well-Known Member
i like colbert also. and daniel tosh can be pretty funny. and cute. cute and funny. well more cute than funny. i watch gold rush and how the universe works with morgan freeman. i really like downton abbey. fav actor is johnny depp. i gotta lotta favs though.
Tosh is good too, it's just been on so long and so much that I never know when new ones are.

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
There's this one dumbass that has a YouTube channel. Complete retard and looks homeless. He uses flags as his backdrop. He is my favorite. I love him.


Well-Known Member
Key & Peele is a good show, have ya'll seen it? The guy named "Metta World Peace" That does that little segment started a new YouTube show with Polight called "Mettaphorically Speaking".