Mushrooms all the way for me! Start with like 2 grams and be in a comfortable setting. I would also advise to have a trip sitter, someone that your very close to and trust. Someone that won’t fuck with you either. I did it the first time with my sister who was sober at the time of the experience. After I did it the first time I felt a lot more comfortable and was okay doing 1 to 3 gram doses by myself. I haven’t done over 5 grams and feel that I would have to be in the right place in my life to do anything over that. P.S. the place I got my mushrooms is someone that has being doing this for a long time and I felt extremely confident in getting a good and safe product... not being laced or having unsafe mold and mildew.
My 1st trip was on this lsd that was called Barrel 4 way Orange Sunshine, which if you lived in 1970 and tripped, you would kill to get.
I never understood the 4 way aspect of it until I ate a 1/2.
I was 16 at a party with 6 other people all tripping they're balls off at one guy's house whose parents were away, and it was the most enlightening night of my life.
That was my introduction into tripping, having to explain to my father why my eyes were glazed at 3 AM, when I supposed to be home at 11.
He dragged me to church (Irish Catholic) the next morning at 8 AM, and I was still seeing traces as the priest gave out communion.
Ah, that was some funny shit in reflection.
So, for all you that wanna trip the light fantastic, 1st off know your product,(strength, quality) 2nd have a safe place to be in when you trip, that is mandatory, and otherwise there shouldn't be any problems.
Have fun