What it means to be a friend


Well-Known Member
Joey Diaz says it best;


What does it mean to you?

I have one friend I'd die for. Just saying that makes me thankful the dude is alive and I know him. Knowing him helps me understand what true friendship is. It's unconditional. To me, unconditional means everything. He could come to me with something completely irrational and I'd sacrifice my well being to help him with whatever it is. Hide a body, kidnap someone, it doesn't matter. I trust this dude enough to know whatever it is is worth doing.

What is interesting to me is how it got to be this way. How no other person in existence means the same. The fact that I've never had any human connection with another person beyond something sexual or protective, to me, means it's something special, something to cherish and defend.

1 person out of dozens of connections, why? Why don't more people qualify? What makes a friend something you want to keep?

Friendship is something to me that's so hard to have, so hard to build and keep, and so easy to lose. What do you think it is about some people that just honor the unspoken code, never sleep with someone they care about, never betray them, never fuck around with their sister.., why do some people just honorably acknowledge these things while most people don't?

To you, what makes a friend valuable, important... family?

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Well the OG is potent and the coffee is good, so who care's right?

I'm in the same boat, but too stoned to come up with a sound response.