What jars for curing?


Well-Known Member
I want to cure and do it right but im a little confused on the type of jars. I read that any airtight jar would be good and mason jars are highly recommended. I have a bunch of mason jars laying around and they all have the metal tops but are missing the cardboard lids that go in the tops. If I cut out cardboard to fit the top and maybe duct tape it as well would that work for curing?


Well-Known Member
Hey check out cv vaults. They are containers for curing storing your goods that seal great and have a humidity control pack in the lid. Remo from advanced nutrients shows them off in one of his u tube movies or just look them up online.


Well-Known Member
I've been using spaghetti and jelly jars etc. Those cvaults use those Boveda humidity packs. One of the fellas on here put me on those a few days ago and I found the 8g 62% boveda packs on ebay or amazon for $1/pack with free shipping. I'm waiting on mine to get here any day now.

You can just throw those Boveda packs in the jar with some bud and it will keep it at a perfect humidity level. I will have a batch ready to jar as soon as I get them so I will be able to give a review on them then.


Active Member
Mason jars if you can. but i also use spagetti sauce jars and jelly jars. Any air tight container will work


Well-Known Member
Stay away from pickle jars, they never seem to be rid of their residual pickle taste.

Other than that... any air tight container will work. Stick to glass.


Well-Known Member
I use them big instant coffee jar`s, and I also have some cheap once from Ikea for flower/sugar


I actually like the bigger once for flower/sugar more, since my hand fit in, so I can collect "Kif" when Im out of smoke :D


Well-Known Member
I saw the C-Vault as well, but the price for things is ridiculous, as is most of the stuff they market specifically for MJ. It is a metal container with a slot so you can put a humidity pack in there and they cost $20 for a tiny one and almost $100 for a big one. Don't use a cardboard lid, get the metal ones with the rubber seal. The large size is available for $9 for 12 at W-Mart


Well-Known Member
I use "wide mouth" canning jars, packed loosly leaving 1-1/2" of head space so I can 'gently' move the flowers (Air) in the jar by turning upside down then back.

The wide mouth also makes it much easier to remove from the jar.


Active Member
I use garbage bags tightly wound and the air compressed out of them. It works 100% and is light proof.
Keep them in the dark if you are going to use a glass jar.


Active Member
You can use anything you want that is GLASS and air tight ( NOT PLASTIC ), plastic will always do weird things to the bud, IMO and therefore, I stay the Fuck away from them. Use WIDE mouth mason jars, pack them 75% full , throw in a digital humidity and temp meter and wa la.
Something like this.... These have already been cured but you get the idea from these pictures.


Active Member
I think you can use either the Mason type Jar witch is air tight (Bail wire) and the canning type Jar witch is air tight also (screw type lid) ,but has the option of being put in to a Vacuum state, ( as per manufactures instructions ), Oh and they do sell replacement seals for both type , so really one is not better then the other ,they both are equal in being air tight. I think the canning jar is easier to work with (screw type) weather new or reused.


Active Member
I think you can use either the Mason type Jar witch is air tight (Bail wire) and the canning type Jar witch is air tight also (screw type lid) ,but has the option of being put in to a Vacuum state, ( as per manufactures instructions ), Oh and they do sell replacement seals for both type , so really one is not better then the other ,they both are equal in being air tight. I think the canning jar is easier to work with (screw type) weather new or reused.[/QUOT

But if you are talking about the jars that need to be opened other than the ( screw type lid ) , then i suggest, if you can , stay away from them. Rubber breaks down over time, espc with repetitive opening and closing. IMO


Well-Known Member
I have moved on from wide mouth quart jars.
I bought a gang of quart jars at the Container Store.

I put about 4-5 ounces in one jar. I spent too much time opening and closing all those quart jars.



Well-Known Member
i use the quart canning jars. they sell them by the case at most grocery stores. they are cheap and they work great. I tried the humidi packs for a while, they were great at first, i have found tho that my weed will turn brown after @ 2-3 months, so i stopped using them. i think that 62% might be a little high for long term storage. i've looked for himidi packs that are a little lower like 55-58% but i havnt been able to find anything yet. they are a realy great idea tho.