What Kind of bulb?? !i!PICS!i!


Well-Known Member
Heres a pic of a bulb i have. Click on it and take an upclose look. It fits in a regular light socked. On the metal part it says 15watts 120v. The wires inside light up very bright. But it doesnt seem to give off much light? Anyone know wth this is?


Well-Known Member
It's a 15 watt incandescent light for picture illumination. It won't give out very many lumens and will produce a lot of heat. Worse than useless for growing. Sorry about that.


Well-Known Member
Yea i use those lights in the hoods to 5 and 10 gallon fish tanks, there worthless (useless and worthless combined) for growing, its just a normal incandescent, and a small one at that.


Well-Known Member
Alright thanx, No wonder i found it in my aquarium top light set up that im using now with my CFL's. Found it in my shed, This is a rented place so there was aready stuff in it. The aquarium top works good though. What are some good ways to clean metal reflectors, They have some white lookin crap on them, and it dulls them quite abit.


Well-Known Member
Probably. I just changed my setup because i transplanted due to root bound plants, i left they in little cups way 2 long which stunted there growth. But anyways. Getting everything all set up ghetto style is hard as fuck, im stuck with tying everything up.


Well-Known Member
tying everything up? what do you mean....? CFL setups can be as simple as a surge protector with Plug->Socket conversions in it. Or like i did, a 2"x4"x3' piece of wood with light socket attached and wired together, that way you only have to suspend one fixture not every light....... K.I.S.S. (keep is simple stupid)


Well-Known Member
Well. i got 2 of the CFL's in plug in light fixtures that have a Clips on the back of them. and Big metal reflectors around them, Those are what is over the plants. And on the backside of my grow box i have the aquarium lights facing them. I Finally put a fan in. i have to open it to use at tho as the blanket that covers the front of my dresser growboxsets right against the back of the fan, its the only way i could make it fit, so im gonna leave this running all the time. Its a big fan. But its better then nothing, before that i had no ventilation. But since i replanted earlier i am already noticing a difference, They were root bound as a mofo in the cups they were in, Big mistake to leave them in there for 3 weeks, really stunted there growth. So, in the next few weeks i cant wait to watch them catch up. Or atleast i was told thats what they would do. ;) And should i got from 24/7 light to 18/6?