What kind of music do you play in your room?


Well-Known Member
I play a mix of hard/punk Rock and 80's. My plants seem to like the 80's. They don't like hip hop or rap. Think the bass might mess with them. Who knows


Well-Known Member
It's all fucking over the place man. All of a sudden Styx popped into my head. Right in the middle of an argument with my gf (right now) and I just started singing it. Now it's playing...


I think it made her more angry...


Active Member
myth busters did a test on this.. the power went out and the water pumps to the flowers failed and dried them up before the final evaluation... But if I remember right they had a few different audio stimulus' used... Classic music, Hard Metal music, Encouraging words on a recording in soft voice, Discouraging yelling at the plants in another recording and a setup without any audio stimuli used...

Like I said above, the final results are not accurate because the water pump went out and dried up the whole lot of them.. this experiment was done on the roof of the mythbusters building, I think it is in cali...?

The only audio stimuli that had any positive effect on the plants was the hard metal rock music.... Possibly the harsh music, constant rhythm and screeching causes the plant to get stressed thus making it become stronger.. i.e. adapting to its environment..

Leading me to believe the Skrillex would actually be the best choice listed so far.... Plus I couldnt handle metal 24/7... skrillex however would be much more manageable.. lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Aye, mythbusters however flawed the test concluded that in their instance metal was the one toplay, i can only offer a guess in saying maybe it could be vibrations. Who knows.

I perfsonally don't play music, my plants grow just fine without to justify wasting electricity on a whim