What kind of yield should I expect?


Well-Known Member
Im growing a G13xA.Haze and also an Alien Bubba Kush plant. They are both about 2 weeks into flower. The G13 is just now showing its first pistils where as the Alien is growing tiny buds already and covered in pistils. I plan on giving them both 6 more weeks. Im including pics. The G13 is the taller one. Im 100% organic with no fertilizers or nutes. Just water.



Well-Known Member
If your lucky you may get a half oz to an oz from those small plants. To increase those yields use bigger cups or a pot


Well-Known Member
Nothing unless you repot it. What do you mean "a bonsai grow" . Dope plants are annuals. Think about getting it in the sun as its a sativa.


Well-Known Member
bonsai meaning small pot and constant leaf trimming to maintain a miniature size. Im really considering putting them in bigger pots for the last 6 weeks because these cups dont hold enuf water. And the G13 sucks up water like it has a straw. I water it fully in the morning and by nighttime the soil is dry.


Well-Known Member
I would transplant them if I were you, even into some big cups from a fast food place, lol. I wouldn't get your hopes up with the 6 week idea, especially if they are under CFL.


Well-Known Member
I would def repot man. Bigger roots mean bigger fruits. Your lucky if that bitch dont get rootbound 3rd week in flower. You would be much happier with the results if your were to repot.


Well-Known Member
remember tho that smaller roots mean smaller plant.... I have very limited space to grow these in. The G13 is already too big. Im gonna put em in some half gallon pots.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
bonsai meaning small pot and constant leaf trimming to maintain a miniature size. Im really considering putting them in bigger pots for the last 6 weeks because these cups dont hold enuf water. And the G13 sucks up water like it has a straw. I water it fully in the morning and by nighttime the soil is dry.
That method works finr for non diocious species of plants. You will probably hermy it if you are co.stantly trimming it...