What kind soil and nutes should I use?


Active Member
My plants are healthy 3 weeks old plants and are gonna be transplanted and put under a HPS in a week (they are under CFLs atm) and right now the soil they are in is a mixture of pearlite and vermiculite, no actual soil. So everything right now is neutral.

Well, what kind of dirt from either A: Home Depot, B: Lowes. or C: Local Nursey can I buy that will work well?

I intend to get all the good stuff my second grow (Fox farms, special nutes, etc) but I just spent all my cash on this lighting system, A/C, fans, etc so I gotta save some pennies again.

What are good budget (not too cheap) soils and nutes for pot plants that are easy to obtain and won't fuck me over like extra-strong MirclaGro does to some people.
i dont know if u have this in the states but i use West's soil. its really good. no chemicals or bullshit, nice stuff, holds moisture quite well and all organic stuff.

i havnt had a problems with it yet.

for nutes, im not too sure. id say foxfarms but thats only coz ive heard there quite popular
2 parts Shultz's "Potting Soil Plus."

1 part Perlite.

1 part Vermeculite.

1 part worm castings.

1 SMALL handful of Granulated Dolomite Lime per every two gallons of the above mix.


Vegging: Peter's "Jack's Classic" 20-20-20.

Flowering: Peter's "Jack's Classic Blossom Booster" 10-30-20.

Only use the ferts at 1/4 strength throughout the grow. With the above soil mix, you won't need any ferts at all for at least the first 30 days of growth.

Here's where to order the fertilizer through the mail or over the Internet:


Hope this helps.
