Thanks for the good thoughts. I'm using filtered water (i'm buying it from meijer). The EC its 1.8, so I don't quite believe that I overfertilized them because thats not even full strength solution...I added some fresh water tho, so I diluted it.I am far from expert, but I would say its not from a defficiency, probably the opposite. I would try cutting down on the watering, let the plants suck up all the water before re-watering. Also would try diluting the nutrients a bit more than what it says and see if that doesn't help, then slowly increase to reccomended. It could also be cholrine/flourine burn, i assume ur using tap water. Take a large bucket or like 20 gallon rubbermaid bin (that hasnt had any chemicals in it ever) and fill with tap water. It is imperative that you let the water sit 24 hours before using, preferably in sunlight for as much of the time as possible. The air and sunlight will dissipate the chemicals in the tap water that are harmful to the plant. Do not under any cercumstance put water from the tap directly into hydro buckets. If you already know all this, sorry, I was just trying to help/be thorough.
PH lock when running between 5.8- 6.2 in hydro?definitely pH lock
Now I'm using 0-1-2 (tsp/gal).How much of the GH nutes are you using?
...everytime I see spots on foliage I think it's from overwatering, however I'm aware that other types of "lock out causes" can be responsible also.Now I'm using 0-1-2 (tsp/gal).
I also don't think is PH lock at all because as I said ... the PH is 5.8-6.2 all the time.
I just bought some bug spray for plants. I'm gonna keep on sprain them for few days and I'm gonna see whats up.
I don't know what to do about the nutrients. I added some water earlier to bring the EC a lil lower .... it is not the first time when I grow, but something like this I've never seen.
PS: from 4 plants, one does not have any spots like this, another one have them only on a couple of fan leaves and the other 2 .... pretty much
Just looking at this pics looks like PH lock....but thats imposible. I have a digital PH metter (a pretty good one) and the General Hydroponics PH tester (drops) so I can be as acurate as possible. the digital one is always showing me 5.8-6.2 and the drops color stais between the same range. So both PH tester are showing me a good range of PH ....I can't understand ...