What LED light?


New Member
I am setting up a 4 bucket rdwc setup...it will be in a 4 x 8 tent/room...
My question is what led light will be great in this setup
I would like to keep the cost down as much as possible....but need a good light

any help would be great



Well-Known Member
I would go with cob led only. many reputable lights out there.
Tasty led
Pacific light concepts
Several others, this question has been answered over and over on riu, and everyone has a different answer. If you want the most efficient lighting on the market, ie. most bud per watt go with cob.
If the price is too high I would go with 3- cmh 315s in that space. Good luck Stubby


Well-Known Member
Tex is absolutely right. high end cobs are the only lights that can match the efficiency of high power HIDs. CMH would give you a better spectrum and would also be a good choice if you can't afford high end COBs or are uncomfortable with DIY options. good luck