What Ph meter is everyone using, and what do you think of it?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. Im in the market for a new Ph meter and was wondering if anyone has any recommendations. I run a low pressure aero system with 35 gallon reservoirs and am currently using an Oakley Ph pen and it no longer calibrates correctly. What is the best meter you have used?
I got the cheap shitty yellow one. It works but needs to be calibrated often. I use a liquid color-match tester just to make sure the meter is accuratish and shoot for a pH of 6 so any inaccuracies won't hurt the girls (I'm in DWC). I hear the $80-$100 blue lab one is very reliable though.
i love my blue lab leap meter. My old bluelab pen was nice, but this meter has a replaceable probe and can also be used directly in any media even directly in soil. It also reads much faster!
I don’t check ph. Lots of nutrients have ph buffers..

Before that...I still didn’t check ph. Tap water is good here.
Most of the ones in the 10-20 dollar range are fine. Apera instruments used to sell their cheapest one for like 40-50 and they’re a fairly reputable brand. Im currently running blue labs and am happy with it but feel it is over priced. I guess time will tell, so far I’ve had it for a year with no issues, if I get 4 more I’d considering it worth the price.
hanna groline combo, the one with the external probe. ph/ec/temp, and reads ph down to .01. had it for about 3 years or so now, only had to replace the probe once. its my favorite out of that ones ive owned
Same ol' cheapo I bought in 2013 from Amazon. I check calibration ~monthly, and have never had to adjust it once (that I recall). Registers 4.1 with the 4.0 pH control, and exactly 7.0 on the 7.0 pH control liquid.
