What plant food ratio is reccomended for Marijuana?


Well-Known Member
I actually found some 30-30-30, but I doubt that's right. It's an acid plant food. I used a really diluted version of it, it didn't hurt them, but I'm afraid to try it in full. What would you say I should use so I can go buy some? Also, in case marijuana doesn't follow the labeled schedule, how often do I feed it?


Well-Known Member
there are lots of different nutes that are very appropriate. go to your local indoor gardening store and tell them you are growing tomatoes.

you should definitely read the faq section and educate yourself rather than asking someone for a walkthrough on general marijuana cultivation. there is a ton of very useful information about growing good ganja, that is literally at your fingertips. not to mention the 10,000 novice growers who have started threads in the past on the topic of pretty much any question you can think of.

just read... don't ask... the answers you seek are already yours.


Well-Known Member
there are lots of different nutes that are very appropriate. go to your local indoor gardening store and tell them you are growing tomatoes.

you should definitely read the faq section and educate yourself rather than asking someone for a walkthrough on general marijuana cultivation. there is a ton of very useful information about growing good ganja, that is literally at your fingertips. not to mention the 10,000 novice growers who have started threads in the past on the topic of pretty much any question you can think of.

just read... don't ask... the answers you seek are already yours.

I've looked. Of the hundreds of thousands of threads, it's taking forever. And I need nutes now. Can anyone please help me?


Well-Known Member
i use sensigrow and sensibloom from advanced nutrients. as well as alot of other things. your plants will benefit from a wide range of additives. a general rule of thumb that i follow is to add everything at half the suggested strength. you can easily over do the nutes.

like i said... go to your local hydro shop and tell them you are growing tomatoes. they can steer you towards all of the appropriate nutes. plan on spending 1 or 2 hundred if you really want to set your self up right with everything you could want.

during veg i use:
sensigrow A and B
liquid karma
humic acid
fulvic acid
root 66
fish mix (fish emultion, molasses)
vermi-tea compost tea.

everything that i add during veg except for root 66 and sub sensibloom for sensigrow
banana manna
kool bloom 2 stage bloom enhancer

does that help?

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
The 30-30-30 is good for veg. Thats what I see recomended all the time. 10-10-10 for veg and 10-30-20 for flower. I would not go full strenght with any nutes. I just got a TDS meter and found out I have been over ferting for years. I use Supernatural and FoxFarms nutes and half strenght is too strong. Now that I know what the ppm reading is my plants are growing much better with no deficencys so far. You should start at 1/4 strenght and see how your plants take it then adjust from there. Keep your ph around 6.0 and you will be fine. Good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
The 30-30-30 is good for veg. Thats what I see recomended all the time. 10-10-10 for veg and 10-30-20 for flower. I would not go full strenght with any nutes. I just got a TDS meter and found out I have been over ferting for years. I use Supernatural and FoxFarms nutes and half strenght is too strong. Now that I know what the ppm reading is my plants are growing much better with no deficencys so far. You should start at 1/4 strenght and see how your plants take it then adjust from there. Keep your ph around 6.0 and you will be fine. Good luck with your grow!

Okay, I'll try using the 30-30-30 for a while. I wasn't sure because I heard 30-15-15 was more appropriate for veg. And about 15-30-30 for flowering.