What Pot size for Cannabis?


Active Member
Hello, I want to know what size of pots I should flower my plants in. I thought the less transplanting, the less stress, but upon further inquiry, I have found that a lot of people prefer to slowly increase the size of the pot as the plant grow older.


Well-Known Member
It's called the graduated pot method. Works on the premis that making a plant get rootbound will help make the root system more vigerous. Also, it allows the roots to grow into new siol and new nutes insded of giving it all at once.
I would work up to at least a 5 gall pot.


Active Member
If you got the room dont bother yourself with the trouble of transplant after transplant. And dont do it to your girls either. Its rediculous IMO, but just remember the bigger the pot the bigger the plant! look into some grow bags, if you want a bush you want a wide container. Plant roots like to grow out and when they cant grow out anymore they will grow down and start stretchin.